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Hot tubs & Spas: Lifespan & Maintenance FAQs

Welcome to our guide on hot tub maintenance! Throughout this article, we'll explore FAQS, and uncover helpful tips on hot tub maintenance and longevity. Lets go!

What is the Life Expectancy of a Hot Tub?

How long your hot tub is likely to last will depend on several factors, these include:

Hot tub Type: Generally speaking, there are two main types of hot tubs currently available on the market, these include hard shell hot tubs and inflatable hot tubs. Inflatable hot tubs tend to be cheaper initially but won't tend to last as long. hard shell hot tubs are made from more robust materials and typically include an acrylic outer structure.
Quality of materials: High-quality materials last longer. This is true for both inflatable and acrylic models.
Quality of Build: Even hot tubs with 'good quality' materials may not last as long if the build itself isn't up to scratch. Your hot tub retailer should be able to tell you how your hot tub was composed, including the outer shell, insulation and pipework.
Manufacturer and brand reputation: Look for a retailer with good product knowledge, good brand reputation and trusted customer reviews.
Frequency of use: Hot tubs are meant to be enjoyed! but it's important to remember that a frequently-enjoyed hot tub is likely to wear faster than a spa that is seldom used. However, this is simply something to keep in mind and not something that should put you off you from using your hot tub!
Maintenance practices: Proper maintenance and regular care can extend the life of your hot tub whereas a neglected spa is likely to wear faster.

Average Lifespan of Hot Tubs

Hot tubs can last between 5 and 20 years. High-end models tend to last 10-20 years, while budget models usually last 5-10 years. The difference is due to the quality of materials and construction. Having said that, your chosen retailer should specify a guarantee of your chosen model however, most well built and good quality hot tubs tend to outlive said guarantee providing they are well looked after.

outdoor hot tub at sunset

Extending the Lifespan of Your Hot Tub

To make your hot tub last longer, follow these tips: Regular maintenance: good hot tub care means regular cleaning, servicing and water maintenance. Professional servicing: Hire professionals to service your hot tub regularly. Protection from weather: Use a cover to protect your hot tub from harsh weather conditions and consider winterising your spa if you don't plan to use it often in cold weather.

Are Hot Tubs a Lot of Upkeep?

Are hot tubs a lot of upkeep?. Well, the answer to this question is yes and no. Like most things in life, you will get the most out of your hot tub if you look after it well and thus a basic level of maintenance is important. However, the answer to the question 'are hot tubs a lot of upkeep?' really depends on what each individual considers 'a lot'. Let's explore the basics of hot tub upkeep now:

Routine Maintenance Tasks

Keeping your hot tub in good condition involves several tasks: Water quality and chemical balance: Check and adjust the chemicals in the water. Water testing and balancing is a very basic part of hot tub care. Testing water is a fairly easy and is a task that takes about 5 minutes. You'll need to do this 2 to 3 times a week on average and more for heavier use. Cleaning schedules: Clean filters, surfaces, and covers regularly. This means taking out the hot tub filter and rinsing it or cleaning it with a specialised solution, wiping down the waterline and exposed surfaces and your cover. Surface cleans should be done a couple of times a week and filter cleaning once a month for acrylic hot tubs. Seasonal maintenance: Deep cleaning and winterising should be done every 4 months or seasonally.

Time Commitment for Maintenance

Hot tub maintenance can be time consuming but the enjoyment you get out of your hot tub can be a lot more. Here’s a quick breakdown of maintenance time: Daily tasks: Typically 5 minutes or less Weekly tasks: 30 minutes to an hour. Monthly tasks: 1-2 hours. Annual tasks: Several hours for deep cleaning, winterising and servicing via (typically carried out via professional companies)

Costs Associated with Hot Tub Maintenance

Costs are an important consideration of hot tub use. However, maintaining a hot tub tends to be far less expensive than people think. Chemical costs: To keep the water clean and safe.
Replacement parts: Filters and covers may need replacing.
Professional service fees: For regular servicing and repairs.

Our chemical costs:

1kg chlorine £10.99

How often will I need to purchase?

How much chlorine needed is dependant on several factors including hot tub capacity, usage and the bathing habits of users. With typical use, you can expect a 1kg tub of chlorine last around 6 to 8 months for a 6 person hot tub.

PH plus/minus £10.99

How often will I need to Purchase?

PH plus/minus solution is a granule chemical used to increase or decrease the PH of your hot tub to the optimal level. This chemical balancing is necessary for best water clarity, comfort and safety. How frequently you will need to buy this product is again dependant on usage and your initial water quality. If your water PH is already within the optimal range, you would not need to buy it at all! With typical use however, you can expect to purchase this around every 8 - 12 months.

Tips for Easier Maintenance

Here are some tips to make hot tub maintenance easier:

Automation options: Use self-cleaning systems and automatic chemical dispensers.
Efficient products and tools: Invest in good-quality cleaning tools and products.
Consider hiring professionals for regular maintenance.

The takeaway

Understanding the costs, time management and upkeep involved in hot tub maintenance is certainly a worthwhile consideration for anyone thinking about buying a hot tub. Not only will these considerations help you to make an informed decision but also work out budgeting and learn how to get the most out of your spa and increase its lifespan. To explore our range of high quality hot tubs, visit our hot tubs page and for questions or friendly advice, please dont hesitate to get in touch by phone, email or the contact form on our website.