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Hot Tub Heating - FAQs

Hot tubs are a great way to relax and unwind. But, to enjoy them fully, you need to know the best way to heat them. Here, we answer some common questions about hot tub heating.

Is It Cheaper to Fill a Hot Tub from a Hot Tap?

Most people choose to fill their hot tub with cold water and allow the hot tub heater to get it up to temperature. Some people, however choose to fill their hot tub directly from their hot tap. This can be a cheaper way to heat the hot tub initially but there are a few things to think about, the first being the possibility of scalding the hot tub's shell. Filling directly from a hot tap poses the risk of the water being too hot and possibly damaging the acrylic shell. While it is efficient to fill the hot tub with warm water, it's important to consider that most homes central heating systems are not equipped to heat very large volumes of water at once whereas the hot tub's heater is designed to do just that. You'll need to consider your individual energy tariff and compare the price to power the hot tubs heater vs the price to heat that much water from your hot tap.

filling hot tub with hose

How Long Does It Take for a Hot Tub to Heat Up 10 Degrees?

The time it takes to heat a hot tub depends on several factors. These include the initial water temperature, the ambient temperature, and the model of the hot tub. On average, it takes about 1-2 hours to heat the water by 10 degrees. To speed up the process, you can keep the cover on. This helps to trap the heat inside.

Should Jets Be On When Heating a Hot Tub?

Jets can help distribute heat evenly in the water. When the jets are on, the water circulates better. This can make the heating process faster. But, running the jets also uses more energy. If you want to heat your hot tub quickly, it is okay to turn on the jets. But if you are not in a hurry, you can leave them off to save energy.

hose pipe filling hot tub

What Happens If You Put Too Much Water in a Hot Tub?

Overfilling your hot tub can cause problems. Too much water can overflow when you get in. This can damage the area around your hot tub. Excess water can also put stress on the hot tub’s components. This can lead to costly repairs. To avoid overfilling, always check the water level when filling your hot tub.